
Worship Service: Sunday 10AM
Prayer Meeting: Monday 730PM
Bible Study: Wed/Thurs 730PM


What should I expect?

Sunday worship begins at 10:00AM. There are three segments to the service: a time of musical worship, a sermon, and the Lord’s Supper.

Messages are Biblically based. It is our desire that, the Lord willing, these messages will help develop passionate followers of Christ.

The Lord’s Supper is held to remember the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the new covenant that He established. We use a common cup as there is one covenant made with the corporate body and not with separate individual believers. The Lord’s Supper is also a time of free and open prayer.

Sunday morning is church unplugged. No screens, no WiFi has moved online for the time being. Nevertheless, let us encourage each other to be intentional in gathering together, as we come together for teaching, prayer, fellowship, worship, the breaking of bread, in gladness and simplicity of heart.

On Sunday mornings, adults and children worship together. Young children may be distracted, but there is great blessing and benefit in worshiping with adults.